Loan2host's privacy practices are outlined in this privacy policy. This privacy statement only relates to data that Loan2host collects. It will let you know about the following:
- The safeguards in place to prevent unauthorised use of your data.
- How to fix any information that is inaccurate
- Which options do you have for how your data is used?
- What personally identifying information is gathered from you via the website, how is it put to use, and who might get access to it.
Your Access to and Control Over Information
You are free to unsubscribe from any future communications at any time. By getting in touch with us at the phone number or email address provided on our website, you can do the following at any time:
- Change/correct any data we have about you.
- Share any concerns that you may have regarding the way we're using your data.
- See what data we have about you, if any.
- Have us delete any information we have about you.
Information Collection, Use, and Sharing
We are the sole owners of the information collected on Loan2host. We can only obtain information that you knowingly provide to us through email or other direct communication. This information will not be sold to other parties.
We may email you in the future to notify you about promotions, new goods or services, or modifications to this privacy statement, unless you specifically request that we not do so.
This website can only be used for actual URLs and was made with the intention of providing free tools to facilitate the posting of lengthy URLs. It is strictly forbidden to use this website for any kind of unlawful or spammy behaviour. If you do, you risk being permanently banned, having all of your ISPs and relevant government authorities reported against you. This service is offered with no warranties expressed or implied.